Doodle Therapy
Often when we focus on communication, we focus on words. Words that we vocalize as speech, or words that we type or form as writing. We have words to convey meaning and share expression. But what then, when we don’t have words?
The instrumental song that sends shivers down your spine. The elation of dance. The subtle (or not so subtle) cues in body language. An arresting piece of art. These too convey meaning, without words.
As we look within, there is power in expression. Talk therapy works for many because it creates space to rationalize and vocalize internal states. To momentarily set aside the ego and let go. To empty the words from your inner world.
So too can we empty the expression of our inner worlds that words cannot convey. One simple and effective method is “doodle therapy”. All we must do is to grab a pen and paper, and simply doodle. Don’t try to create anything, but eliminate judgement from the process. Just move your hand and leave lines on paper.
Move slow, move fast. Be precise or precarious. It doesn’t matter. Just be free. You’ll know when you are done.
The best part is, it is even more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. There’s no need to label it, no need for a title. Be with it, feel it, and let it go.